Our History

The Lodge of Loyalty has an interesting and varied history
After the horror and carnage of the 1914 to 1918 war, the desire for peace and good fellowship among mankind in general created a demand for membership into Freemasonry which had not been experienced prior to those days. Certain eminent members of the Lodge of Israel No. 1474, seeing their waiting list increasing, and realising they could not admit new members for seven to ten years, signed a petition to Grand Lodge for the formation of a daughter Lodge, to be called the Lodge of Loyalty.
On Tuesday 7th. September 1921, a Warrant was issued, and preparation began for the formation of the new Lodge. The afternoon of Tuesday 31st. January 1922, saw the Consecration of the Lodge of Loyalty at the Masonic Hall, Severn Street, Birmingham, in the presence of the Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire, the Right Worshipful Brother Colonel W.F. Wyley, V.D., D.L., PGDEng, and many distinguished Officers of Grand Lodge, and of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire and other Provinces.
The Provincial Grand Master installed into office the first Worshipful Master of the Lodge, Bro. I.L. Jacobs, who appointed and invested his Officers. The Bye Laws of the Lodge were adopted and the fees approved, being 15 guineas Initiation Fee, 5 Guineas Joining Fee, and 5 Guineas Annual Subscription.
In its first year the Lodge admitted 11 Initiates and 12 Joining Brethren, of whom Bros. I.L. Lyons, J.W. Levy, Marcus Tanchan, Harry Brown, Max Berner, Eliazer Green and H. Rayne were among the first to be Initiated.
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